Compare Elden Ring PS4 vs PS5 With 5 Main Features

Compare Elden Ring PS4 vs PS5 With 5 Main Features

Elden Ring is one of the games developed by From Software – a famous video game company. They have also previously developed games such as Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. The development of these games has helped the company build a reputation for creating visually stunning environments with engaging characters. Today we will compare Elden Ring PS4 vs PS5 with their most essential features.

Compare Elden Ring PS4 vs PS5


It is anticipated that “Elden Ring” will continue the legacy of its predecessor while improving the gameplay by including an all-new, breathtaking open landscape that will be covered with wetlands toxic water. The Elden Ring is now available for purchase and gamers can’t wait to create their own character, choose their own class, and begin their quest to become the Elden Lord.


In fact, the world of Elden Ring is quite different for each different player because not all gameplay is created equal. This is because the game will be available on multiple platforms. Below we will compare the most significant changes encountered when playing the Elden Ring PS4 vs PS5 game.


“Elden Ring” experienced performance issues on both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox One Series X versions of the game. However, a patch to improve the game’s responsiveness is already available for the PlayStation 5 version. This functionality is not present in the Elden Ring game available for Xbox One Series X. Based on the performance distributed across multiple platforms such as PCs, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, it is clear that this tool has limitations that need to be overcome.

Compare Elden Ring PS4 vs PS5

Frame Rate

The Elden Ring’s frame rate doesn’t consistently hit the 60 fps target, which can be a concern, especially in the middle of boss fights or confrontations with a lot of action. However, this version works at 1800p checkerboard and the image is severely degraded due to the PS5’s backward compatibility mode, causing the game’s frame rate at 60 FPS to freeze. With the release of PlayStation 4, an option for backward compatibility was included. The PlayStation 4 is the only game console with a mode that allows games to be played on older consoles.


The PS5 version’s image is clearly smaller than the PS4 version’s image.
Furthermore, the resolution, frame rate, and overall performance of the Elden Ring PS4 vs PS5 version differ significantly. The game can be played at 1080p while maintaining a 30-frame rate on the PS4. The resolution on the PS4 Pro can be increased to 1800p, and the frame rate can be unlocked. These features are not available on the standard PS4.


Especially in PS5, the difference that is quite noticeable is the less grass coverage. Additionally, PlayStation 5 has improved textures, longer draw distances, and higher shadow quality. When compared to PS4, the game seems clearer on PS5, however if you can run it in backward compatibility mode on PS5 you will get much better overall performance. So we have compared the basic features between Elden Ring PS4 vs PS5 above for your reference.

Frequently Asked Questions

Elden Ring PS4 vs PS5: The Aesthetic Impact

In addition to the differences we have just mentioned, there are many other factors. While they do not affect your overall gaming experience, they are also very important factors to evaluate before making a choice. The first is the loading speed. On PlayStation 4, the rather slow speed can be frustrating for most players. On the PlayStation5, by contrast, it’s incredibly fast and lets you get back into the action in seconds after the upload has started.

This is a particularly useful feature, especially in the early stages. Another point in favor of the next-gen version of Elden Ring is the aesthetic impact, as on the PlayStation 5 the title can have a much higher density of vegetation, not to mention many of the visual effects that on the boards older generation controller is not possible due to many technical limitations. In the PlayStation 4 version, the game also tends to implement rather violent pop-up textures, which are not only annoying but also make it much harder to immerse yourself in the Interregnum.

Elden Ring PS4 vs PS5: The Aesthetic Impact

How to make Elden Ring run at 60fps?

For Elden Ring to run at 60fps, you need to switch to the PS4 Pro version. You’ll first need to make sure you’ve ordered an Elden Ring for PlayStation 4 (digital or on disc) instead of a PS5 replacement. With both options available in your PS5 library, you can optionally download the last-gen version to experience smoother frame rates. However, before you downgrade Elden Ring on PS5, you can consider a few things first.

First, this test is based on one’s experience with certain parts of the current version of the game. In other areas of gaming, and as FromSoftware releases new patches, you can see that the PS5 version once again becomes the preferred choice for Sony players. Additionally, this downgrade means that other aspects of your experience won’t be as good as if you played the actual PS5 version of Elden Ring. PS4 players commented that they encountered less vegetation in the environment, reduced quality of shadows and ambient effects, longer loading times, and lower-resolution images as well.


To sum up, Today’s article we compared Elden Ring PS4 vs PS5 in terms of their basic features as well as their performance and picture quality. Hope has brought a lot of useful information for you to have a better overview of these two controllers and choose for yourself the one that suits your gaming needs and preferences. will be back with other interesting articles.

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